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The framework for the XML serialization is completed with a lot of unit tests in place. A simple containers library has been added to allow the serialization of lists of business objects.
We've found new ways of establishing links between our business objects and the GUI controls. Our Modelbridge framework (that uses the Bridge Pattern) allows to establish a link between clx controls and properties of our business objects
  • TControlLink - for linking single properties to simple controls:
    e.g. TStringControllink TIntegerControlLink, TCurrencyControlLink
  • TCollectionLink - for linking lists of objects
    e.g.TQStringCollectionLink for links between lists of objects and a TStringGrid,
    THTMLTableCollLink for the rendering of lists of objects as Html tables in the TTextBrowser
You are not bound to use EOS business objects together with CLX controls, to see an example of use of our library with the SDL library : see the Uberto's SDLShell example